This page is about this server’s rules.
This server’s rule is kind of laid-back, but that doesn’t mean that the rules are none.
Please be polite to other players and follow the server rules that we write here.
Obviously… In Minecraft multiplay, many players are playing in the same world as you.
Please NEVER steal or grief other players’ bases or public properties.
Mining world = [Shigen world] If you want to mine materials, please go to [shigen world].
Don't branch mine outside [shigen world], as it will create a lot of holes and cavities underground, slowing the server down.
Ore detection mods, transparent resource packs, and any other methods to achieve block transparency are prohibited!
It's not uncommon for streamers to be playing in this server,
so be aware that your avatar and buildings may be broadcast without permission!
If trouble arises with other players, please do your best to work it out!
If you're unable to solve the problem, please consult a server admin.
If complaints of harrassment are received, the offending user may be banned if neccessary!
Even with such rules, there will always be some people who try to get around them.
You can use WorldGuard and LWC commands to protect yourself.
Try protecting a little wide if you prefer a good view. But make sure to not interfere other players’ builds.
Admins might spawn-proof, edit, protect, move, etc.. to your builds with no permission if in need.
We got rules about building a railway.
You don’t need admins’ permission If you are using it with a non-transportation purpose.
You are able to use mods that make your gameplay more convenient, like maps or spawn-checkers.
If you are unsure, please ask the admins.
We are strictly prohibiting cheat mods such as fly hacks and speed hacks.
You can creative fly by using a command /fly, so please use this instead.
Camera mods (suck as Replay Mod) will get recognized as a hack, so please do not use it.
AFKing using an auto-clicker (including mods) is not allowed. Auto-reconnect mod can be used, but please make sure to contact the admins before the use.
Dupes in vanilla Minecraft is allowed. But no complaining when fixed xD
Your duping method is may got banned already by the server system, like sand duping fixed by system Paper. Of course, you are not allowed to grief or lag out the server by using unfixed bugs on purpose!
Joining a server is free You can join a server with no money, but the server’s world data is owned by Admin (ID: LemonKaju). Admins visits you Admins may visit you with a rain of potions, animals, anvils, and may turn your house in to diamonds :D
(Your beautiful home will be back soon enough after the mess LOL)
There are no perfect rules in this world. We will change the rules in need.
If you have any questions or requests, you can always contact admins in DMs or in our Discord channel.
Everyone in the server wants to enjoy Minecraft. Nobody wants to argue with other players.
Please behave politely, so that everyone is happy to stay in the server.
But if any arguments are happened, please contact the admins.
They will make a decision equally to both sides.
If you have read all of the rules, enter
/cunlock yurutanosii
in the chat, and right-click the iron door.
Also, Please don't tell the password to anyone else new, even if asked.
If so, just tell them about this page :)